Dona Sumiko (tallest one at the back, smiling) was a Japanese missionary. We LOVED visiting her (or, I did). We always got wonderful treats and fun gifts like watercolor paints or interesting Japanese boxes and papers. Both Japan and Germany had treaties with Brazil where they sent immigrants who received land in exchange for cultivating it. Our city, Maringa, was 30% Japanese. My best friend was Japanese/Brazilian and I'm sure that her influence affected my palate, interest in the land, and openness to other cultures.
A Dona Sumiko esta de pe, atras das criancas. Ela era uma missionaria do Japao. Gostava muito de visitar com ela porque ela sempre tinha doces ou bolachas e um presente artistico. Mais tarde, a minha melhor amiga de infancia, a Adelia era Japonesa-Brasileira e o convivio com a familia dele me influenciou muito. Acho que porcausa dela gosto tanto da terra e tenho tanta abertura a outras culturas.
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